Tuesday, January 3, 2012

P90X2 1 month Review

Dec 12, a big package arrives on my doorstep, it is heavy filled with medicine balls, a stability ball, a "rumble roller" and push up stands. I open the DVD's and see the same face as before, Tony Horton. There are two nice books that tell you about the program and nutrition, all I've seen before in years past from doing P90X in 2008. I want to know how is this going to be different, why did I spend close to $300 on a program I already have? I was skeptical to say the least. I could not wait until I popped in the Day 1 DVD which is X2 Core. I see the same warning as before, I see the same list of items needed, I thought to myself "here we go, what a waist" boy was I wrong! From the warm ups and the pure core workout and core stabilization with the stability ball, when I was done with the first workout I knew this IS different. I felt like I was in a training room with professional athletes. I then could not wait and see what Day 2 was like.
Day 2 Plyocide, I know about Plyometrics from the first P90X, this again was very impressive. I noticed that this workout I was sweating more and felt I was getting a lot more out of the workouts than the first series. My body was being shredded but not to the point of hurting like I did the first go around.
Day 3 was a rest day which was welcomed fore sure, but was abnormal because P90X only had one rest day and that was on day 7...
Day 4 I was ready once again, after a well rested day 3 I put in the Full Body Workout with the Ab Ripper X2 workout. Again, I knew this is more advanced, new moves, better ways to modify and complete engagement of the core. After the Ab Ripper X2 workout I was a pile of water lying on the floor looking like Frosty the Snow man with my hat off and a corn pipe lying next to me. The video was well over with and I wanted to just lay there and regain all form of normalcy.
Day 5 Yoga X2...I have to say I was not a real big fan of the Yoga in P90X it was long, it was boring and I felt I did not have that much time to spend on something I could just replace with a stretching DVD. Yoga 2 is 67 minutes, but even though it encompasses familiar moves it does seem to again focus on core and balance. The 67 min does go by quick, plus your body does need to stretch especially after the first 4 DVD's
Day 6 Balance and Power, let me say I have no balance and all my power is from my butt and legs. This will challenge you and you will fall, you will struggle in the first couple weeks with this. On week 3 I started to have enough stability in my core to finish some of these moves.
Day 7 Rest ...
All in all, this is the "Foundation" phase for what is to come. I have to say P90X2 is indeed a great program and I am recommending this to anyone who reads this and friends. Well done so far!

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